golden gate bridge biking trail

Scenic Bike Routes of San Francisco

August 17, 2023
A Cyclist's Guide to SF's Best Bike Routes It's time to feel the wind whistling through your hair (through the holes in your helmet!) on a scenic San Francisco bike route. San Francisco is an incredibly unique biking city with much to offer within (and beyond) the city limits. You can bike through bustling city [...]
SF Biking: Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Biking in a City

SF Biking: Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Biking in a City

June 5, 2023
There's a reason you can't cross a block without seeing at least a few people enjoying SF biking - you can't top this form of transportation in our busy city! However, it's essential to be prepared before hitting the road.  From distracted drivers to non-bike-friendly streets to steep hills to fellow bikers, you can have [...]
scenic hawk hill bike challenge san francisco

Want a Challenge? Bike San Francisco’s Scenic Hawk Hill

May 10, 2019
Serious road bike riders from around the world find a haven on the lush, expansive trails of San Francisco and its Marin Headlands. Hawk Hill is one of the first bike rides you come to after crossing the Golden Gate Bridge. It's close proximity to the City and challenging uphill climbs make it is a [...]